Leanne Naidoo, RHDHV
Much emphasis is usually placed on getting the asphalt mix design correct, running the relevant trials and agreeing on a final approved mix design for construction. Proper quality management in terms of monitoring and acceptance, which ensures consistency and achieving the desired result, is however often overlooked in practice.
A background will be provided in terms of the design and construction processes with reference to the specific manual guidelines and specifications available. High-level information to assist in the transition between the COLTO and COTO Standard Specifications that the industry now faces, including the influence of aspects such as testing, personnel competency and equipment requirements, will be addressed.
The need for making full use of test results in terms of risk mitigation is paramount. In practice, making use of purpose-built spreadsheets or programs to aid in displaying, analysing and interpreting results correctly is vital. The significance of using sound engineering judgement and relating what can be seen on site to the test results, identifying pitfalls and implementing the corrective actions cannot be disregarded. Notwithstanding the importance of the above, the need for open communication amongst all Stakeholders and the value gained in working as a team is highlighted.
Leanne is a Civil Engineering Technologist and Associate at Royal HaskoningDHV, Woodmead. She holds a BTech in both Water Engineering and Transportation Engineering and is a member of ECSA, SAICE, SAT and IPET. She has worked in the Civil Engineering Industry for over 15 years in the Water Engineering, GIS and Transportation Engineering environments.
Her experience includes Pavement and Materials Design (Roads and Airports), Documentation, Project and Contract Administration, and Project Management where more recently, she is the Project Manager of multi-disciplinary projects within the Organization including provincial wide Road Asset Management System projects.
Leanne also has several years of Construction Site Supervision experience in the fields of Pavement and Materials. She has held site and contract administration positions on various SANRAL projects including GFIP Package B and the R104 Experimental Test Section.