
Technical Guideline: Bitumen Stabilised Materials (TG 2) Third Edition

DATE:  Thursday 3rd September 2020
TIME:  10h00 to 13h00
PLACE:  Zoom Virtual Webinar

This webinar has been registered with ECSA for CPD accreditation.

SAT is pleased to present to industry the Third Edition of TG2 for BSMs, incorporating 18 years of experience and new technologies. The first TG2 guideline was published in 2002 for foamed bitumen only and the Second Edition for BSMs in 2009.

This technology has now been implemented globally and the manual has been assembled using evaluation data from abundant project investigations and long-term pavement performance records. This has allowed the DEMAC materials classification system to be updated, mix design procedures to be overhauled and refined, and the Pavement Number method to be updated. At the same time, a mechanistic design function has been developed for BSM pavement structures.

Consequently, new and appropriate testing protocols have been developed. The classification of BSMs has also been updated. This latest TG2 publication also addresses gaps in the application of cold recycling technology. A new chapter is introduced to provide best practice guidelines for pavement evaluation and rehabilitation design strategy.

This TG revision will play an important role in effectively uplifting the sustainability profile of pavement engineering.


We are extremely fortunate to have all the highly acclaimed specialised authors of the manual who will deliver the following:


Welcome SAT President: Mr HIJ Marais (FSAT)
Introduction and History of BSMs: Professor Kim Jenkins MSAT(Hon)
Pavement Investigation & DEMAC Update: Dr Arno Hefer (MSAT)
Mix Design of BSMs Professor: Kim Jenkins MSAT(Hon)
Structural Design pf BSM Pavements: Dr Fenella Johns (FSAT)
Construction Using Cold Recycling Technology: Mr Dave Collings (FSAT)
Discussion and closure

Please pass this invitation on to any other interested colleagues, particularly Consulting Engineers, Local Authorities, appropriate Suppliers and Contractors who will undoubtedly gain knowledge from this valuable webinar.


All Engineers, Technologists, Technicians, Students and all other interested parties involved with Road Infrastructure Construction, Asset Preservation and Road Maintenance.


SAT members …...…...……….. R200-00

Non-members ……………....... R500-00

Retired SAT members…....... FREE

Students .............................. R 50-00  (full time with valid student card number)

Registration is essential and a Zoom link will be sent to you by e-mail. You will be asked to register your attendance and reserve your seat.