
SABITA MANUAL 12: Labour Absorptive Methods In Road Construction Using Bituminous Materials

This manual 12 is a consolidation of previous manuals published by Sabita within the ambit of labour absorptive or labour intensive practice in support of national programmes that address social and economic imperatives of the region. It covers areas of the use of bituminous products and associated techniques in both new construction and maintenance operations with the potential of employment creation, skills development and growth in the road sector.

The purpose of this manual is to support initiatives such as the Sā€™hamba Sonke Programme (SSP) aimed at social and economic development and asset preservation. SSP, a government intervention programme carried out under the auspices of the National Department of Transport has a key goal to address the developmental challenges of the poor and an increased focus on the cost efficient use of labour absorptive methodologies in road construction and maintenance.

Whereas the EPWP and other programmes aimed at alleviating poverty and reducing unemployment amongst the poor and unskilled, the Sā€™hamba Sonke programme goes further and focuses on labour optimisation on all projects without adversely affecting the cost and quality of the project. Labour optimisation will be applicable to all projects in the programme and no longer be limited to ā€œlabour intensiveā€ projects. Labour will be a measurable and critical part of all projects..

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