
Investigating the field performance of Permazyme-treated roadbeds on four pilot sites in Pretoria, Gauteng

Aubrey Shabangu & others, Experts on the go


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There is a need for additives to improve the strength, maintenance, and performance of the unsealed South African road network, especially under inclement weather conditions. Agrément SA certified Permazyme is an alternative soil stabiliser whose fitness for purpose as an additive has been tested on four pilot sites in Pretoria, Gauteng.

The study is focused on assessing the post-treatment behaviour of Permazyme-treated roadbeds on the four pilot sites - Mamelodi West, Soshanguve Cemetery, Mamabolo Street and Catherine Street. In-situ Direct Cone Penetrometer (DCP) tests were chosen as the appropriate method of characterising the long-term performance of Permazyme-treated roadbeds, where scheduled testing occurred every 2-3 years.

Permazyme’s effectiveness as an alternative road stabiliser is best demonstrated by its ability to improve the bearing capacity of the subgrades. Performance monitoring DCP tests conducted on the four sites revealed high resistance capacities with in-situ bearings greater than 400 kPa for the first 300 mm depths.

While performance data continues to be collected, the results presented indicate that Permazyme could be adopted as an alternative road stabiliser solution for low volume trafficked pavements, especially rural gravel roads.

About the Author

Aubrey Shabangu is qualified with a B.Eng in Civil engineering Sciences and currently finalizing an M.Eng in Structural Engineering from the university of Johannesburg. His area of research is focused on investigating the effects of loading on flexible storm water pipes subjected to light traffic and geostatic soil stresses through an Finite Element Analysis (FEA) study. Aubrey is employed at Experts On The Go (EOTG) as a technical engineer and has gained vast experience in traffic, transportation engineering, capex infrastructure planning, road safety and project management.